Theory - 30 % Practical Training - 50 % Learners Portfolio - 20 % Minimum contact hours of the Course - 240 ~260Hrs. (10monts) Course Content: The course curriculum consist of five Subjects/Papers (Three Theory & Two practical Training) 1. Philosophy & Physiology of Yoga (Theory Paper) 2. Human Body, Diet and Cleansing (Theory Paper) 3. Applied Yoga (Theory Paper) 4. Yogic Practice and Training (Practical Paper) 5. Yoga Teaching Skill (Micro/Macro-Teaching Practical/Training Paper)
Kaushal Kumarさん
Acharya Kaushal Kumar is a renowned yogacharya working in the field of yoga from the last thirty three years. Met his guru swami Satyananda and joined yoga in 1987. His yoga programs has been telecasted daily regularly on Doordarshan and various other news channels.